Ground Beef Tostadas

January 20, 2021

Ah, the tostada – a crispy canvas of Mexican culinary creativity! If you’ve ever wandered into a Mexican restaurant or strolled through a food market, chances are you’ve encountered this delightful dish. But what exactly is a tostada, and how do you make the most of it?

What is a Tostada? A tostada is essentially a flat, crispy tortilla, typically made from corn. The word “tostada” itself means “toasted” in Spanish, which perfectly describes its preparation. To make a tostada, a corn tortilla is deep-fried until it becomes golden brown and crunchy, resulting in a sturdy base for a multitude of toppings.

How Are Tostadas Used? Tostadas serve as a versatile platform for an array of ingredients. They’re a bit like a taco’s sophisticated cousin. From shredded chicken or beef, to beans, cheese, lettuce, and salsa, the possibilities are endless. The beauty of a tostada lies in its adaptability – you can load it up with your favorite flavors and textures.

A Brief History of Tostadas The history of tostadas is deeply intertwined with the rich tapestry of Mexican cuisine. They trace their roots back to ancient Mesoamerica, where natives would grill or toast maize tortillas over an open flame. This method of preparing tortillas not only preserved them but also provided a satisfying crunch. Today, tostadas are a staple in Mexican cuisine, loved both within the country and worldwide.

Is a tostada just a flat taco? While both tostadas and tacos share a common ancestor in the humble tortilla, they’ve evolved into distinct dishes. Tacos are folded, creating a convenient vessel for fillings. Tostadas, on the other hand, are flat and crispy, offering a unique textural experience.

How do you set up a tostada bar? Setting up a tostada bar is a fantastic way to let everyone customize their own creations. Start with a spread of crispy tostadas. Then, offer a variety of toppings like seasoned meats, beans, cheeses, salsas, lettuce, and any other favorite fixings. Arrange them buffet-style, and let your guests build their own tostadas to taste.

How do you eat beef tostadas? Eating a beef tostada is an artful balance of flavors and textures. Start by picking up a tostada carefully, ensuring you get a bit of every topping. Take a mindful bite, savoring the interplay of the crispy tortilla, savory beef, creamy cheese, and fresh toppings. Be prepared for an explosion of taste!

What’s the difference between a chalupa and a tostada? While both chalupas and tostadas are based on crispy tortillas, they differ in their preparation and regional variations. Chalupas typically have thicker, fried tortillas that create a shell-like structure to hold the toppings, while tostadas are thin, flat, and exceedingly crunchy.

In a nutshell, tostadas are a delightful expression of Mexican cuisine, offering a crunchy canvas for your culinary creativity. Whether you’re a fan of traditional toppings or eager to experiment with new flavors, the tostada invites you to savor every bite. So, gather your ingredients, set up a tostada bar, and let the delicious creations commence!

Ground Beef Tostadas

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Mexican



  • 8 corn tortillas
  • oil for frying or cooking spray for baking
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 packet taco seasoning *or use my recipe – link below
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1-2 cups shredded cheese of your choice I like monterey jack, cheddar, cheddar jack, pepper jack


  • 2 cups shredded lettuce
  • 1/2 red onion, diced
  • 2 roma tomatoes, diced
  • sliced black olives
  • jalapeno cilantro lime crema link below
  • chipotle taco sauce link below
  • extra toppings of your choice avocado, radish, pickled jalapenos, cilantro, etc…


Prepare Tortillas

  • If frying heat oil in a med to large frying pan over medium heat. Add tortillas one at a time and lightly fry until desired crispiness. Drain on paper towels and set aside. If baking heat oven to 300 f. Spray tortillas with cooking spray and bake for 20-30 minutes on a baking sheet until desired crispiness.


  • Brown ground beef in frying pan and drain grease. Stir in taco seasoning blend and water. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer and continue stirring until seasoning is incorporated evenly.
  • Place a tostada on a plate and evenly spread a thin layer of refried beans over it.
  • Mound some seasoned ground beef on top of the beans. Top with shredded cheese. Place back in the oven and melt cheese if desired.


  • Add shredded lettuce, tomatoes, black olives and other toppings if using.
  • Top tostada with the crema and taco sauce.
  • Enjoy!
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